
Q&A call


All your questions answered about joining the membership: catch the replay

Ask a question or send a message on the sales page

Chat with us here

Lessons will be available to watch until Sunday 19th June

We’ll have a mix of live sessions and guided exercises. Please make sure you are signed up to receive the emails. Live calls will be in the Facebook group and shown here, but you need to be in the group to comment.

Click each image to take you to details for each day. 
You can print off a schedule here:

Print the Schedule

The prize contest is now closed! The winner will be announced at the ‘Pimms Party’ (or coffee!) live call at 4pm BST on Sunday 19th June in the Art Explorers Facebook group Good luck!

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Friday 4pm BST



Watch for today's task and then comment on the post below.

comment on this post



Today we're moving into making your creative desires real by looking at different elements to develop.

No special art materials required, use what you already have.

Print worksheet


Streamed Studio session 
(full edited version here)
How I use sketchbooks, book mentioned is in the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.

When you've watched today's lesson, let us know what you'll be creating!

comment here



A day of rest...  almost!

No video today. Today's exercise has been sent to your email with the subject 'Words have power'. When you've completed this exercise....

comment here

The emails are sent at 10am but may take some time to arrive. Please make sure you are signed up using the form above. This email has already been sent. You can find today's exercise below.

find today's exercise

Monday 4pm BST


I'll be sharing a super cool tool to help you filter through those big to-do lists and we'll look at understanding your natural energy ebb and flow so you can move forward with more ease (and figure out what fires you up and what to drop!)

Watch on this page or in the Facebook group

Listen today for the secret word for the Prize giveaway! More details HERE

comment here

The 'Focus' calculator I showed is a Google sheet - you will be prompted to make a copy in your own Google drive. If you don't use this, just draw a pen and pencil version - does the same job!

make my copy
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Tuesday 4pm BST


We all want find satisfaction and fulfilment in the work we make - and our lives. This call will be more of a workshop, so come prepared with a pen a sheet of paper...

Oh, all the C's - this made me laugh! (also, got to love a good freeze frame ..) x

 Watch on this page or in the Facebook group

comment here
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Wednesday 4pm BST


Join us for this call in our Facebook group where I will be able to see and reply to your comments. It will also stream to this page.

It's been a fab week and I hope it's left you refreshed and enthused! Let us know your plans here: 

comment here

If you've enjoyed this week, it doesn't have to end! In the Connected Artist Club we have weekly live calls together....

Show me ALL the details!










FAQs & help

How do I watch the calls? 

The live sessions will be streamed to the Facebook group where I'll be able to see your comments. You may need to refresh your facebook feed at the right time to load the stream.
Calls will also play on this event page but you won't be able to comment.

Where do I find things in the Facebook group?

Upcoming calls will be posted in the Featured section HERE 
Call replays are in the Guides section HERE
Daily Comment threads will be posted in the Guides section HERE

Do I need to be on Facebook? 

We use a Facebook group to stream the Live calls and for discussion and sharing. The main lessons and reminders will be sent to you by email (as long as you are signed up above), but Facebook is where the chat will happen.

Join the Facebook group

I can’t watch live, can I catch up?

The calls are all recorded. You can watch them in the Guides section of the Facebook group which is where the comments and discussion will happen. Call videos will also be shown on the event page here. You can watch replays in both places until 20th June.

Other links:

How to make a moodboard 
How to tidy your studio
Books mentioned:
'Art & Fear' by David Bayles and Ted Orland
'Create Perfect Paintings' by Nancy Reyner

Need more help?

If you need support and you can't find the answer here check the SUPPORT thread in the Facebook group as your question may have been answered. 
Or email [email protected] and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Sunday 'nourish' 

Continue to carve out time for your art, but also take some time today to go a little deeper. 

Today some calm… No video 🙂 

This is a retreat after all!

Yesterday I spoke about how learning to be your own teacher is the best way to make progress. We need to do the inner work. Whether your dream is more about the art of creation or growing a business, we always butt up against these mindset hurdles. So today is journal time.

We’ve talked already about how we go through different emotional states - especially while we are learning something new. 

Giving ourselves grace is key to whether we stay the course. We know the path isn’t always going to be smooth, and journaling is a great way to allow these to come to the surface. 

Today you’re going to tuck yourself away and write for 10 minutes or so. You can do free writing - just write - whatever comes up - keep going until you stop, and then some. 

Or choose one of these prompts below. Whichever you feel most drawn to (or perhaps whichever one you would rather avoid!) 

You can write in a notebook, I often use just scrap sheet paper, let my writing is messy. This is a process of letting your ideas and emotions rise up, and I usually don’t refer to these again.

If I fully trusted and believed my art could be anything I desired, what would I create?

Where am I holding myself back? 

Where can I ask for more support?

Where am I ready to grow?